Friday, December 09, 2005

I am just about done with my Christmas shopping. I don’t have too many people to buy for, so it’s not too bad.

Mom & Dad: Sent them to Florida to visit my deadbeat brother. In years past, I have gone with them. Of course, I never stayed at my brother’s place... it would be far too crowed. However there is a nice place not far called the Shell Point Resort. Works much better for me... don’t need to all crowded in-n-stuff. The place is nice & has unlimited golf with your rooms. Drop the folks off at DBB place, then I’m off. Golf all day. Meet-up with the family for dinner. Then before you know it... “boy I’m tired... I’m gonna head back to the hotel...” I forgot to mention that right between my brother’s place & the resort is where all the strip clubs are, didn’t I? (just a coincidence, I swear!!!)

Rent-a-Kids: I have 3 little cousins, well actually, first cousins twice removed. But anyway, they are the welfare part of the family. 2 girls & 1 boy. They really have nothing. I like to get the girls gift certificates for a nice department store here (Kaufamnn’s) They never shop anywhere but Wal-Mart & Goodwill. I have to actually give the certificates to their Grandma, cuz I’m afraid that their Mom would sell them for crack or something. Grandma takes them out on the 26th & they can’t wait to call to tell me what they bought. The boy likes to go to the book store.

Rich Cousin’s Kids: I don’t spend nearly as much on these kids as the others. They get everything they want anyway. I try to get them stuff we can all do together. This year we gonna build model rockets. I bought all the launch stuff & a different rocket for everyone, including me. That way, when the real adults are talking, all us kids will go to the game room & build our rockets.

KL (My secretary): haven’t got her’s yet. Don’t know what to get her ever. I usually get her a gift certificate too, then plead... “hey... I’m a single, straight guy... what the heck do I know about getting gifts?”

That’s basically it. I have a few friends I will get booze and/or golf balls for, ya know...


Blogger ell said...

holy cow, you sure are a prolific blogger this week! i think i got my shopping done too, what a relief.

and everyone should have a benevolent uncle like you!

6:52 AM  
Blogger Knight said...

ell: I love giving things to the poor kids. They seem to enjoy it more.

LA: Thanks for stopping by!!! I hope you have nice holidays.

3:53 AM  
Blogger .- said...

get her TWO gift certificates. One for something totally frivolous.

5:19 PM  

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