Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hi there.

It has been a long time since I updated. I hope I still have some blog friends that stop by.


I have been very busy lately. Mostly boring work stuff. I have been spending time in upper Michigan working on a case. I have been preparing for some of the most important depositions in the case. Then traveling up there to grill these guys. Last week, the traveling was horrible. There was one of the biggest snow events in upper MI.

Also, my Dad has been in the hospital having surgerey done on his legs. He has that hardening of the arteries in his legs, cutting off the circulation. They are afraid he might lose his left foot.

All I can really think about right now is taking a vacation. I was looking on Travolisty and Orbitz for packages for Florida. I would really like to head south, to where the sun is warm and hit some golf balls.

I will try to post some more now that those depos are over.