Friday, July 28, 2006

On The Road Again...

Weekend Plans...

Well, since I was up in the air over the car situation... I didn't really make any plans for the weekend. I picked up the car yesterday, and it seemed fine, but I didn't drive it very far.

M and her family have rented a house at Dewey (sp?) Beach in Delaware for all of next week. I am welcome to head down there (or over there, as the case may be). But, that is about a 6 hour drive & I can't miss work on Monday, so I'd have to drive back Sunday. The up side... A weekend of partying at the beach with my friends. The down side, 12 out of 48 hours in the car, the car that let me down for the last week. Makes me nervous to make such a long trip till I'm sure everything is ok.

Also, if Bobby B is not working, he is always up for fishing.

As for Sunday, I know D & GW have an early tee time somewhere... I can always join them.

So... here is the plan...

I'm gonna go to work today. See how the car runs on the parkway. After work, I will likely go to happy hour. I always make better decisions with a few beers in me (HA!!!) If the car is running good... and I get a bug... I might just throw a bag in the car, dive to the beach throughout the night, party my ass off all day Saturday. Then recover on the drive back Sunday. I will decide after happy hour. If not the beach, I will call Bobby & see what he's up to. There are a few other people I can call for a last minute golf match. There is always cleaning the apartment, laundry... visting the parents... stuff like that. Then Sunday, do the golf with D & GW.

I'll just play it by ear. See how the car is running... how I feel after happy hour... then make the call...

Oh, I almost forgot... Steelers training camp opens today... so you know what that means MX, not only will there be golf posts, but football posts as well.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.


Blogger KJ said...

Go to the it up!!!

3:46 AM  
Blogger Knight said...

Good morning KJ... I just might!!!

3:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:07 AM  
Blogger Madame X said...

For the love of FUCK!
*eye roll*

9:18 AM  
Blogger Knight said...

DZ: you got my back on this football post stuff? Can't let the women take over all of blogland!!!

10:09 AM  
Blogger Green Eyes said...

Knight, I make better decisions with a few beers in me, too!

Have a great one!

10:44 AM  
Blogger Blessed said...

Beach! Beach! Beach!
Everybody chant now!
Go to the beach, get some sand in your suit and think of me when the salt water burns your eyes.
I'm DYING to go!! Makes me wanna cry.
I'm okay now.
weekend (trying to say it like Tony the Tiger:P )

10:57 AM  
Blogger Fig said...

Beach... you'll kick yourself if you don't go. Or at least I would. Kick you I mean...

11:18 AM  
Blogger GAB said...

Have a great weekend(my vote goes for the Vikings)even though they arent the greatest!

12:55 PM  

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