Tuesday, October 25, 2005

There was a little drinking discussion over on gigi’s page. Because of it, I thought I’d share a little drinking story with you.

I used to drink Jameson’s, on the rocks ONLY. If a bar didn’t have it, I’d just walk out.

I was in Florida, visiting a friend and his girlfriend. The girl I was supposed to be there with ended up heading back by herself (another story). So I partied with my friends.

We go to a bar in Ft. Lauderdale called Irish Bob’s. I sit down & order my Jameson’s on the rocks. The bar tender says, “yea... that’s the way a man is supposed to drink. If you like that, have you ever tried 12 year old Jameson’s?” I reply, “no, I never knew they made a 12 year old...” He then reachs up, grabs a bottle, pours me a shot... “here try this, on the house!!!”

I drank the shot & before the glass hit the bar I was saying “MORE.” After that, I was drinking shots of 12 yo, chasing them with 8yo on the rocks... Some things happened that night & into the next day of which I have no first hand memory, there for any comment I would make would be hearsay (an out of court statement, offered for the truth of the matter asserted therein). I do know, it was not pretty. I woke up in my hotel, fully clothed (by my self). No wallet, no room key, no idea how i got in the room, no idea where my car was... (you get the idea...)


Blogger ell said...

mmmmmmm . . . . . maybe i need to switch drinks.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Knight said...

I spent a year working a scuba dive charter off of Big Pike Key.

Have you ever been there Blue?

3:57 AM  

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